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Madison has a new smile and an invite to London, let's help her get there!

Help our patient, Madison, make it to London for Cheer CampMadison, a student and cheerleader at Mariner High School, is proudly displaying her medal of high honors she earned at Cheer Camp this summer. This medal represents her hard work and dedication to the sport. She tried out and made the UCA's All-American Cheer this year and was invited to London as an All-American Cheerleader. This trip costs $3000 and she is reaching out to her community with determination to reach that goal and fulfill a dream of hers! Let's help Madison reach her goal by donating today. If you would like to make a donation, please stop by our office our call (425) 374-8218.


Madison is a patient of Pellegrini Orthodontics and proudly shows off that brand new, braces-free smile!


Way to go, Madison!

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