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Phone: 425.374.8218

Address: 827 128th St SW, Suite B
Everett, WA 98204 


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Choosing Design Finishes and Colors

Yesterday we met with our incredible design team, Office Wraps, and made all the final decisions on color scheme, finishes, carpet and cabinetry. It's incredibly exciting to see everything coming together. We should be beginning demolition of our space next week. 


Welcome to the new Pellegrini Orthodontics Blog!

We are extremely excited and eager to share Office News about Pellegrini Orthodontics with you. Pellegrini Orthodontics is currently in the re-construction phase at our new facility located off 128th St in Everett, WA. Pellegrini Orthodontics will be located at 827 128th Street S.W. Suite B, Everett 98204 between Dr. Crawford D.D.S. and Children's Dental Center, and conveniently located between I-5 and Highway 99. 

Follow along with us as we begin demolition and through the entire re-model process. Look for Pellegrini Orthodontics to open our doors in Summer 2009!

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